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History of the file that is called src/natools-s_expressions-interpreters.adb at check-in 111a93ca401b4f21
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17:48 | s_expressions-interpreters: add constructor functions to make possible library-level constants file: [43b0b541fb] check-in: [bbcfe6dddf] user: nat branch: trunk, size: 9990 | |
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18:33 | s_expressions-interpreters: make commands and interpreters read-only during execution file: [3c3c74e8b6] check-in: [07db27cc2f] user: nat branch: trunk, size: 8777 | |
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20:04 | s_expressions-interpreters: add a String-based command addition, since it's the overwhelmingly most common use case file: [25b368150e] check-in: [179da1f3db] user: nat branch: trunk, size: 8847 | |
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18:36 | Move atom comparison function from Natools.S_Expressions.Interpreters to Natools.S_Expressions file: [d5c37017fd] check-in: [6f257a4f4d] user: nat branch: trunk, size: 8671 | |
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20:20 | s_expressions-interpreters: add inspection functions Has_Command and Is_Empty file: [26f466f297] check-in: [2ee5aec7e2] user: nat branch: trunk, size: 8946 | |
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21:26 | Added: s_expression-interpreters: new package providing a S-expression interpreter which dispatch to client-provided commands file: [db1846c47e] check-in: [6e4b5836c5] user: nat branch: trunk, size: 8670 | |