Artifact 13af223639cfc7fb1d280c7f63945be73518b5f1:
- File
— part of check-in
2015-08-26 17:27:29
on branch trunk
— constant_indefinite_ordered_maps: work around a regression in newer GNAT versions
For some reason GNAT 5.2 can't find Constant_Reference anymore, so creating new primitive functions so user-defined indexing still works. (user: nat size: 32105)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Natacha Porté -- -- -- -- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any -- -- purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above -- -- copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. -- -- -- -- THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- -- WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF -- -- MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR -- -- ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES -- -- WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN -- -- ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF -- -- OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ package body Natools.Constant_Indefinite_Ordered_Maps is -------------------------- -- Sorted Array Backend -- -------------------------- function Create (Size : Index_Type; Key_Factory : not null access function (Index : Index_Type) return Key_Type; Element_Factory : not null access function (Index : Index_Type) return Element_Type) return Backend_Array is function Node_Factory (Index : Index_Type) return Node with Inline; function Node_Factory (Index : Index_Type) return Node is begin return (Key => new Key_Type'(Key_Factory (Index)), Element => new Element_Type'(Element_Factory (Index))); end Node_Factory; First_Node : constant Node := Node_Factory (1); begin return Result : Backend_Array := (Ada.Finalization.Limited_Controlled with Size => Size, Nodes => (others => First_Node), Finalized => False) do if Size >= 2 then for I in 2 .. Size loop Result.Nodes (I) := Node_Factory (I); end loop; end if; end return; end Create; function Make_Backend (Size : Count_Type; Key_Factory : not null access function (Index : Index_Type) return Key_Type; Element_Factory : not null access function (Index : Index_Type) return Element_Type) return Backend_Refs.Immutable_Reference is function Create return Backend_Array; function Create return Backend_Array is begin return Create (Size, Key_Factory, Element_Factory); end Create; begin if Size = 0 then return Backend_Refs.Null_Immutable_Reference; else return Backend_Refs.Create (Create'Access); end if; end Make_Backend; function Make_Backend (Map : Unsafe_Maps.Map) return Backend_Refs.Immutable_Reference is function Create return Backend_Array; function Element (Index : Index_Type) return Element_Type; function Key (Index : Index_Type) return Key_Type; procedure Update_Cursor (Index : in Index_Type); function Is_Valid (Nodes : Node_Array) return Boolean; Length : constant Count_Type := Map.Length; Cursor : Unsafe_Maps.Cursor := Map.First; I : Index_Type := 1; function Create return Backend_Array is begin return Create (Length, Key'Access, Element'Access); end Create; function Element (Index : Index_Type) return Element_Type is begin Update_Cursor (Index); return Unsafe_Maps.Element (Cursor); end Element; function Is_Valid (Nodes : Node_Array) return Boolean is begin return (for all J in Nodes'First + 1 .. Nodes'Last => Nodes (J - 1).Key.all < Nodes (J).Key.all); end Is_Valid; function Key (Index : Index_Type) return Key_Type is begin Update_Cursor (Index); pragma Assert (Unsafe_Maps.Has_Element (Cursor)); return Unsafe_Maps.Key (Cursor); end Key; procedure Update_Cursor (Index : in Index_Type) is begin if Index = I + 1 then Unsafe_Maps.Next (Cursor); I := I + 1; elsif Index /= I then raise Program_Error with "Unexpected index value" & Index_Type'Image (Index) & " (previous value" & Index_Type'Image (I) & ')'; end if; end Update_Cursor; Result : Backend_Refs.Immutable_Reference; begin if Length = 0 then return Backend_Refs.Null_Immutable_Reference; end if; Result := Backend_Refs.Create (Create'Access); pragma Assert (I = Length); pragma Assert (Unsafe_Maps."=" (Cursor, Map.Last)); pragma Assert (Is_Valid (Result.Query.Data.Nodes)); return Result; end Make_Backend; overriding procedure Finalize (Object : in out Backend_Array) is Key : Key_Access; Element : Element_Access; begin if not Object.Finalized then for I in Object.Nodes'Range loop Key := Object.Nodes (I).Key; Element := Object.Nodes (I).Element; Free (Key); Free (Element); end loop; Object.Finalized := True; end if; end Finalize; procedure Search (Nodes : in Node_Array; Key : in Key_Type; Floor : out Count_Type; Ceiling : out Count_Type) is Middle : Index_Type; begin Floor := 0; Ceiling := 0; if Nodes'Length = 0 then return; end if; Floor := Nodes'First; if Key < Nodes (Floor).Key.all then Ceiling := Floor; Floor := 0; return; elsif not (Nodes (Floor).Key.all < Key) then Ceiling := Floor; return; end if; Ceiling := Nodes'Last; if Nodes (Ceiling).Key.all < Key then Floor := Ceiling; Ceiling := 0; return; elsif not (Key < Nodes (Ceiling).Key.all) then Floor := Ceiling; return; end if; while Ceiling - Floor >= 2 loop Middle := Floor + (Ceiling - Floor) / 2; if Nodes (Middle).Key.all < Key then Floor := Middle; elsif Key < Nodes (Middle).Key.all then Ceiling := Middle; else Floor := Middle; Ceiling := Middle; return; end if; end loop; return; end Search; ----------------------- -- Cursor Operations -- ----------------------- function "<" (Left, Right : Cursor) return Boolean is begin return Key (Left) < Key (Right); end "<"; function ">" (Left, Right : Cursor) return Boolean is begin return Key (Right) < Key (Left); end ">"; function "<" (Left : Cursor; Right : Key_Type) return Boolean is begin return Key (Left) < Right; end "<"; function ">" (Left : Cursor; Right : Key_Type) return Boolean is begin return Right < Key (Left); end ">"; function "<" (Left : Key_Type; Right : Cursor) return Boolean is begin return Left < Key (Right); end "<"; function ">" (Left : Key_Type; Right : Cursor) return Boolean is begin return Key (Right) < Left; end ">"; procedure Clear (Position : in out Cursor) is begin Position := No_Element; end Clear; function Element (Position : Cursor) return Element_Type is begin return Position.Backend.Query.Data.Nodes (Position.Index).Element.all; end Element; function Key (Position : Cursor) return Key_Type is begin return Position.Backend.Query.Data.Nodes (Position.Index).Key.all; end Key; function Next (Position : Cursor) return Cursor is begin if Position.Is_Empty or else Position.Index >= Position.Backend.Query.Data.Size then return No_Element; else return (Is_Empty => False, Backend => Position.Backend, Index => Position.Index + 1); end if; end Next; procedure Next (Position : in out Cursor) is begin if Position.Is_Empty then null; elsif Position.Index >= Position.Backend.Query.Data.Size then Position := No_Element; else Position.Index := Position.Index + 1; end if; end Next; function Previous (Position : Cursor) return Cursor is begin if Position.Is_Empty or else Position.Index = 1 then return No_Element; else return (Is_Empty => False, Backend => Position.Backend, Index => Position.Index - 1); end if; end Previous; procedure Previous (Position : in out Cursor) is begin if Position.Is_Empty then null; elsif Position.Index = 1 then Position := No_Element; else Position.Index := Position.Index - 1; end if; end Previous; procedure Query_Element (Position : in Cursor; Process : not null access procedure (Key : in Key_Type; Element : in Element_Type)) is Accessor : constant Backend_Refs.Accessor := Position.Backend.Query; begin Process.all (Accessor.Data.Nodes (Position.Index).Key.all, Accessor.Data.Nodes (Position.Index).Element.all); end Query_Element; ----------------------------- -- Non-Standard Operations -- ----------------------------- function Create (Source : Unsafe_Maps.Map) return Constant_Map is begin return (Backend => Make_Backend (Source)); end Create; procedure Replace (Container : in out Constant_Map; New_Items : in Unsafe_Maps.Map) is begin Container.Backend := Make_Backend (New_Items); end Replace; function To_Unsafe_Map (Container : Constant_Map) return Unsafe_Maps.Map is Result : Unsafe_Maps.Map; begin if Container.Backend.Is_Empty then return Result; end if; declare Accessor : constant Backend_Refs.Accessor := Container.Backend.Query; begin for I in Accessor.Data.Nodes'Range loop Result.Insert (Accessor.Data.Nodes (I).Key.all, Accessor.Data.Nodes (I).Element.all); end loop; end; return Result; end To_Unsafe_Map; ----------------------------- -- Constant Map Operations -- ----------------------------- function "=" (Left, Right : Constant_Map) return Boolean is use type Backend_Refs.Immutable_Reference; begin return Left.Backend = Right.Backend; end "="; function Ceiling (Container : Constant_Map; Key : Key_Type) return Cursor is Floor, Ceiling : Count_Type; begin if Container.Is_Empty then return No_Element; end if; Search (Container.Backend.Query.Data.Nodes, Key, Floor, Ceiling); if Ceiling > 0 then return (Is_Empty => False, Backend => Container.Backend, Index => Ceiling); else return No_Element; end if; end Ceiling; procedure Clear (Container : in out Constant_Map) is begin Container.Backend.Reset; end Clear; function Constant_Reference (Container : aliased in Constant_Map; Position : in Cursor) return Constant_Reference_Type is use type Backend_Refs.Immutable_Reference; begin if Position.Is_Empty then raise Constraint_Error with "Constant_Reference called with empty Position"; end if; if Container.Backend /= Position.Backend then raise Program_Error with "Constant_Reference called" & " with unrelated Container and Position"; end if; return (Backend => Container.Backend, Element => Container.Backend.Query.Data.all.Nodes (Position.Index).Element); end Constant_Reference; function Constant_Reference (Container : aliased in Constant_Map; Key : in Key_Type) return Constant_Reference_Type is Position : constant Cursor := Container.Find (Key); begin if Position.Is_Empty then raise Constraint_Error with "Constant_Reference called with Key not in map"; end if; return (Backend => Container.Backend, Element => Container.Backend.Query.Data.Nodes (Position.Index).Element); end Constant_Reference; function Contains (Container : Constant_Map; Key : Key_Type) return Boolean is Floor, Ceiling : Count_Type; begin if Container.Is_Empty then return False; end if; Search (Container.Backend.Query.Data.Nodes, Key, Floor, Ceiling); return Floor = Ceiling; end Contains; function Element (Container : Constant_Map; Key : Key_Type) return Element_Type is begin return Element (Find (Container, Key)); end Element; function Find (Container : Constant_Map; Key : Key_Type) return Cursor is Floor, Ceiling : Count_Type; begin if Container.Is_Empty then return No_Element; end if; Search (Container.Backend.Query.Data.Nodes, Key, Floor, Ceiling); if Floor = Ceiling then return (Is_Empty => False, Backend => Container.Backend, Index => Floor); else return No_Element; end if; end Find; function First (Container : Constant_Map) return Cursor is begin if Container.Is_Empty then return No_Element; else return (Is_Empty => False, Backend => Container.Backend, Index => 1); end if; end First; function First_Element (Container : Constant_Map) return Element_Type is Accessor : constant Backend_Refs.Accessor := Container.Backend.Query; begin return Accessor.Data.Nodes (1).Element.all; end First_Element; function First_Key (Container : Constant_Map) return Key_Type is Accessor : constant Backend_Refs.Accessor := Container.Backend.Query; begin return Accessor.Data.Nodes (1).Key.all; end First_Key; function Floor (Container : Constant_Map; Key : Key_Type) return Cursor is Floor, Ceiling : Count_Type; begin if Container.Is_Empty then return No_Element; end if; Search (Container.Backend.Query.Data.Nodes, Key, Floor, Ceiling); if Floor > 0 then return (Is_Empty => False, Backend => Container.Backend, Index => Floor); else return No_Element; end if; end Floor; procedure Iterate (Container : in Constant_Map; Process : not null access procedure (Position : in Cursor)) is Position : Cursor := (Is_Empty => False, Backend => Container.Backend, Index => 1); begin if Container.Backend.Is_Empty then return; end if; for I in Container.Backend.Query.Data.Nodes'Range loop Position.Index := I; Process.all (Position); end loop; end Iterate; function Iterate (Container : in Constant_Map) return Map_Iterator_Interfaces.Reversible_Iterator'Class is begin return Iterator'(Backend => Container.Backend, Start => No_Element); end Iterate; function Iterate (Container : in Constant_Map; Start : in Cursor) return Map_Iterator_Interfaces.Reversible_Iterator'Class is begin return Iterator'(Backend => Container.Backend, Start => Start); end Iterate; function Iterate (Container : in Constant_Map; First, Last : in Cursor) return Map_Iterator_Interfaces.Reversible_Iterator'Class is begin if Is_Empty (Container) or else not Has_Element (First) or else not Has_Element (Last) or else First > Last then return Iterator'(Backend => Backend_Refs.Null_Immutable_Reference, Start => No_Element); else return Range_Iterator'(Backend => Container.Backend, First_Position => First, Last_Position => Last); end if; end Iterate; function Last (Container : Constant_Map) return Cursor is begin if Container.Is_Empty then return No_Element; else return (Is_Empty => False, Backend => Container.Backend, Index => Container.Backend.Query.Data.Size); end if; end Last; function Last_Element (Container : Constant_Map) return Element_Type is Accessor : constant Backend_Refs.Accessor := Container.Backend.Query; begin return Accessor.Data.Nodes (Accessor.Data.Size).Element.all; end Last_Element; function Last_Key (Container : Constant_Map) return Key_Type is Accessor : constant Backend_Refs.Accessor := Container.Backend.Query; begin return Accessor.Data.Nodes (Accessor.Data.Size).Key.all; end Last_Key; function Length (Container : Constant_Map) return Ada.Containers.Count_Type is begin if Container.Backend.Is_Empty then return 0; else return Container.Backend.Query.Data.Size; end if; end Length; procedure Move (Target, Source : in out Constant_Map) is begin Target.Backend := Source.Backend; Source.Backend.Reset; end Move; procedure Reverse_Iterate (Container : in Constant_Map; Process : not null access procedure (Position : in Cursor)) is Position : Cursor := (Is_Empty => False, Backend => Container.Backend, Index => 1); begin if Container.Backend.Is_Empty then return; end if; for I in reverse Container.Backend.Query.Data.Nodes'Range loop Position.Index := I; Process.all (Position); end loop; end Reverse_Iterate; ---------------------------------------- -- Constant Map "Update" Constructors -- ---------------------------------------- function Insert (Source : in Constant_Map; Key : in Key_Type; New_Item : in Element_Type; Position : out Cursor; Inserted : out Boolean) return Constant_Map is Floor, Ceiling : Count_Type; begin if Source.Is_Empty then declare Backend : constant Backend_Refs.Data_Access := new Backend_Array' (Ada.Finalization.Limited_Controlled with Size => 1, Nodes => (1 => (Key => new Key_Type'(Key), Element => new Element_Type'(New_Item))), Finalized => False); Result : constant Constant_Map := (Backend => Backend_Refs.Create (Backend)); begin Position := (Is_Empty => False, Backend => Result.Backend, Index => 1); Inserted := True; return Result; end; end if; Search (Source.Backend.Query.Data.Nodes, Key, Floor, Ceiling); if Floor = Ceiling then Position := (Is_Empty => False, Backend => Source.Backend, Index => Floor); Inserted := False; return Source; end if; declare function Key_Factory (Index : Index_Type) return Key_Type; function Element_Factory (Index : Index_Type) return Element_Type; Accessor : constant Backend_Refs.Accessor := Source.Backend.Query; function Key_Factory (Index : Index_Type) return Key_Type is begin if Index <= Floor then return Accessor.Nodes (Index).Key.all; elsif Index = Floor + 1 then return Key; else return Accessor.Nodes (Index - 1).Key.all; end if; end Key_Factory; function Element_Factory (Index : Index_Type) return Element_Type is begin if Index <= Floor then return Accessor.Nodes (Index).Element.all; elsif Index = Floor + 1 then return New_Item; else return Accessor.Nodes (Index - 1).Element.all; end if; end Element_Factory; Result : constant Constant_Map := (Backend => Make_Backend (Accessor.Size + 1, Key_Factory'Access, Element_Factory'Access)); begin Position := (Is_Empty => False, Backend => Result.Backend, Index => Floor + 1); Inserted := True; return Result; end; end Insert; function Insert (Source : in Constant_Map; Key : in Key_Type; New_Item : in Element_Type) return Constant_Map is Position : Cursor; Inserted : Boolean; Result : constant Constant_Map := Insert (Source, Key, New_Item, Position, Inserted); begin if not Inserted then raise Constraint_Error with "Inserted key already in Constant_Map"; end if; return Result; end Insert; function Include (Source : in Constant_Map; Key : in Key_Type; New_Item : in Element_Type) return Constant_Map is Position : Cursor; Inserted : Boolean; Result : constant Constant_Map := Insert (Source, Key, New_Item, Position, Inserted); begin if Inserted then return Result; end if; declare function Key_Factory (Index : Index_Type) return Key_Type; function Element_Factory (Index : Index_Type) return Element_Type; Accessor : constant Backend_Refs.Accessor := Source.Backend.Query; function Key_Factory (Index : Index_Type) return Key_Type is begin if Index = Position.Index then return Key; else return Accessor.Nodes (Index).Key.all; end if; end Key_Factory; function Element_Factory (Index : Index_Type) return Element_Type is begin if Index = Position.Index then return New_Item; else return Accessor.Nodes (Index).Element.all; end if; end Element_Factory; Result : constant Constant_Map := (Backend => Make_Backend (Accessor.Size, Key_Factory'Access, Element_Factory'Access)); begin return Result; end; end Include; function Replace (Source : in Constant_Map; Key : in Key_Type; New_Item : in Element_Type) return Constant_Map is Floor, Ceiling : Count_Type; begin if Source.Is_Empty then raise Constraint_Error with "Replace called on empty Constant_Map"; end if; Search (Source.Backend.Query.Data.Nodes, Key, Floor, Ceiling); if Floor /= Ceiling then raise Constraint_Error with "Replace called with key not in Constant_Map"; end if; return Replace_Element (Source => Source, Position => (Is_Empty => False, Backend => Source.Backend, Index => Floor), New_Item => New_Item); end Replace; function Replace_Element (Source : in Constant_Map; Position : in Cursor; New_Item : in Element_Type) return Constant_Map is use type Backend_Refs.Immutable_Reference; begin if Position.Is_Empty then raise Constraint_Error with "Constant_Map.Replace_Element called with empty cursor"; end if; if Source.Backend /= Position.Backend then raise Program_Error with "Constant_Map.Replace_Element " & "with unrelated container and cursor"; end if; declare function Key_Factory (Index : Index_Type) return Key_Type; function Element_Factory (Index : Index_Type) return Element_Type; Accessor : constant Backend_Refs.Accessor := Source.Backend.Query; function Key_Factory (Index : Index_Type) return Key_Type is begin return Accessor.Nodes (Index).Key.all; end Key_Factory; function Element_Factory (Index : Index_Type) return Element_Type is begin if Index = Position.Index then return New_Item; else return Accessor.Nodes (Index).Element.all; end if; end Element_Factory; Result : constant Constant_Map := (Backend => Make_Backend (Accessor.Size, Key_Factory'Access, Element_Factory'Access)); begin return Result; end; end Replace_Element; function Replace_Element (Source : in Constant_Map; Position : in Cursor; New_Item : in Element_Type; New_Position : out Cursor) return Constant_Map is Result : constant Constant_Map := Replace_Element (Source, Position, New_Item); begin New_Position := (Is_Empty => False, Backend => Result.Backend, Index => Position.Index); return Result; end Replace_Element; function Exclude (Source : in Constant_Map; Key : in Key_Type) return Constant_Map is Floor, Ceiling : Count_Type; begin if Source.Is_Empty then return Source; end if; Search (Source.Backend.Query.Data.Nodes, Key, Floor, Ceiling); if Floor = Ceiling then return Delete (Source, Cursor'(Is_Empty => False, Backend => Source.Backend, Index => Floor)); else return Source; end if; end Exclude; function Delete (Source : in Constant_Map; Key : in Key_Type) return Constant_Map is Floor, Ceiling : Count_Type; begin if Source.Is_Empty then raise Constraint_Error with "Delete called on empty Constant_Map"; end if; Search (Source.Backend.Query.Data.Nodes, Key, Floor, Ceiling); if Floor /= Ceiling then raise Constraint_Error with "Deleted key not in Constant_Map"; end if; return Delete (Source, (Is_Empty => False, Backend => Source.Backend, Index => Floor)); end Delete; function Delete (Source : in Constant_Map; Position : in Cursor) return Constant_Map is use type Backend_Refs.Immutable_Reference; begin if Position.Is_Empty then raise Constraint_Error with "Constant_Map.Delete with empty cursor"; end if; if Source.Backend /= Position.Backend then raise Program_Error with "Constant_Map.Delete with unrelated container and cursor"; end if; declare function Key_Factory (Index : Index_Type) return Key_Type; function Element_Factory (Index : Index_Type) return Element_Type; Accessor : constant Backend_Refs.Accessor := Source.Backend.Query; function Key_Factory (Index : Index_Type) return Key_Type is begin if Index < Position.Index then return Accessor.Nodes (Index).Key.all; else return Accessor.Nodes (Index + 1).Key.all; end if; end Key_Factory; function Element_Factory (Index : Index_Type) return Element_Type is begin if Index < Position.Index then return Accessor.Nodes (Index).Element.all; else return Accessor.Nodes (Index + 1).Element.all; end if; end Element_Factory; Result : constant Constant_Map := (Backend => Make_Backend (Accessor.Size - 1, Key_Factory'Access, Element_Factory'Access)); begin return Result; end; end Delete; ------------------------------ -- Updatable Map Operations -- ------------------------------ function Constant_Reference_For_Bugged_GNAT (Container : aliased in Updatable_Map; Position : in Cursor) return Constant_Reference_Type is begin return Constant_Reference (Constant_Map (Container), Position); end Constant_Reference_For_Bugged_GNAT; function Constant_Reference_For_Bugged_GNAT (Container : aliased in Updatable_Map; Key : in Key_Type) return Constant_Reference_Type is begin return Constant_Reference (Constant_Map (Container), Key); end Constant_Reference_For_Bugged_GNAT; function Reference (Container : aliased in out Updatable_Map; Position : in Cursor) return Reference_Type is use type Backend_Refs.Immutable_Reference; begin if Position.Is_Empty then raise Constraint_Error with "Reference called with empty Position"; end if; if Container.Backend /= Position.Backend then raise Program_Error with "Reference called with unrelated Container and Position"; end if; return (Backend => Container.Backend, Element => Container.Backend.Query.Data.Nodes (Position.Index).Element); end Reference; function Reference (Container : aliased in out Updatable_Map; Key : in Key_Type) return Reference_Type is Position : constant Cursor := Container.Find (Key); begin if Position.Is_Empty then raise Constraint_Error with "Reference called with Key not in map"; end if; return (Backend => Container.Backend, Element => Container.Backend.Query.Data.Nodes (Position.Index).Element); end Reference; procedure Update_Element (Container : in out Updatable_Map; Position : in Cursor; Process : not null access procedure (Key : in Key_Type; Element : in out Element_Type)) is pragma Unreferenced (Container); Accessor : constant Backend_Refs.Accessor := Position.Backend.Query; begin Process.all (Accessor.Data.Nodes (Position.Index).Key.all, Accessor.Data.Nodes (Position.Index).Element.all); end Update_Element; ------------------------- -- Iterator Operations -- ------------------------- overriding function First (Object : Iterator) return Cursor is begin if Has_Element (Object.Start) then return Object.Start; elsif Object.Backend.Is_Empty then return No_Element; else return (Is_Empty => False, Backend => Object.Backend, Index => 1); end if; end First; overriding function Last (Object : Iterator) return Cursor is begin if Has_Element (Object.Start) then return Object.Start; elsif Object.Backend.Is_Empty then return No_Element; else return (Is_Empty => False, Backend => Object.Backend, Index => Object.Backend.Query.Data.Size); end if; end Last; overriding function First (Object : Range_Iterator) return Cursor is begin return Object.First_Position; end First; overriding function Last (Object : Range_Iterator) return Cursor is begin return Object.Last_Position; end Last; overriding function Next (Object : Range_Iterator; Position : Cursor) return Cursor is begin if Has_Element (Position) and then Position < Object.Last_Position then return Next (Position); else return No_Element; end if; end Next; overriding function Previous (Object : Range_Iterator; Position : Cursor) return Cursor is begin if Has_Element (Position) and then Position > Object.First_Position then return Previous (Position); else return No_Element; end if; end Previous; end Natools.Constant_Indefinite_Ordered_Maps;