
unix_tools.gpr at [00a41d7915]

File unix_tools.gpr artifact c708e673a3 part of check-in 00a41d7915

with "natools";
with "florist";

project Unix_Tools is
   for Source_Dirs use ("tools");
   for Main use ("", "", "hmac-sha256");

   for Object_Dir use Natools'Object_Dir;
   for Exec_Dir use Natools'Exec_Dir;

   package Compiler is
      for Default_Switches use Natools.Compiler'Default_Switches;
   end Compiler;

   package Linker is
      for Default_Switches use Natools.Linker'Default_Switches;
   end Linker;

   package Naming is
      for Body ("HMAC.Pinentry") use "hmac-pinentry__posix.adb";
   end Naming;
end Unix_Tools;