
Ambiguous Artifact ID

The artifact hash prefix 674f is ambiguous and might mean any of the following:

  1. 674fadc74b1d6f25dc5e0b6f047e3cfef43e3155 -

    Manifest of check-in [674fadc74b] - smaz_generic: optimize compression

    For some reason it seems even with -O3, calling Dict_Entry involves a string copy, which makes `memcpy` the larger time consumer of the copmpression algorithm. Inlining it manually improves performance a lot. by nat on 2016-12-16 20:55:19.

  2. 674fc9e9531db8b12c9e4ec075c2678be8f3c94a -

    Manifest of check-in [674fc9e953] - s_expressions-templates-tests-integers: test the new explicit images from templates by nat on 2014-09-24 18:55:44.